Sunday, October 12, 2008

Salam Pax Video

I found four short videos made by Salam Pax in 2005-06. Salam made his first video for Guardian Films, "Salam Pax in Amara," in January 2005. The video, "Baghdad Blogger: Constitution," was made in October 2005. "The Battle for Women's Rights," was made sometime after the general elections in Iraq, 2005. The video, "How to Stay Alive in Baghdad," was made in July 2006. All are under 15 minutes.

I also found the longer, feature-length video "The Baghdad Blogger," about how he came to be, made in February 2005. Each video is distributed by, and available on, the Journeyman Pictures, UK, site to which all these links refer. A DVD of each is also available on the site.

You will need Real Player from installed on your computer. Download Free Real Player.

Here is the link for the "Amara" video:

The link for "Baghdad Blogger: Constitution" is:

Here is the link where you can download the "Women's Rights":

The link for the "Stay Alive" video is:

The link for the longer video, "The Baghdad Blogger" is:

Journeyman Pictures has a number of other videos made in, and about, Iraq by various independent filmmakers. You can search the site by country.