Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Taking part in World Press Freedom Day

Earlier this month, Salam attended a local Press Freedom Day in Baghdad for World Press Freedom Day. The meeting was sponsored by the local free press advocacy group, TEMKIN. For pictures from the bloggers corner at the event, click title of post. Video.

The name of the advocacy group intrigues me. The letters may mean something in Arabic, but the first thing that popped into my mind was Sergei Eisenstein's movie, BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN (Bronenosets Potyomkin, 1925, Russia) about the 1905 uprising of the ship's crew against intolerable conditions.

The riot spilled out into the city of Odessa where townspeople joined the crew in their protest, and a number of people were killed. The scenes Eisenstein filmed on the Odessa steps for his movie are now required viewing for all students studying film history and filmmaking. Pictures.

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